Highly qualified, motivated and nevertheless unemployed. This is often the reality for people with disabilities. But a disability doesn’t automatically mean restricted working capacity – rather conventional work benches often...
The MB Building Kit System is constantly growing, and item Industrietechnik is extending its portfolio yet again with more factory equipment. For example, the new Latch offers a convenient means of securing doors and hatches.
Automating production processes – it is a goal that many companies are pursuing but one that often involves high costs and complex restructuring work. Fortunately, item Industrietechnik is here to help. item offers numerous...
Create more order and structure for industrial work benches – with the new Toolpanel System from item. Simply extend the work bench with a flat panel consisting of Groove Plate Profile 8 and the necessary holders. The holder...
By establishing item México and commissioning a central warehouse under the same name, item Industrietechnik is continuing to expand its presence in Latin America. The market there is growing rapidly, with German, Japanese and US...
Founded in 1995, Irmler develops test plugs and adapters for the automotive and electronics industries as well as CNC components and turnkey solutions for assembly and control systems. The company also makes custom installations and...